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Ketel One

Reviews to date: 67Average score: 4
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The taste of Ketel One straight up is pleasant. In a Martini and in a VT, the taste is nice. We have noticed (there is a group of 6 or 8 of us that drink vodka together) that when we drink Ketel One we have a hard time going to sleep. Even if it is after only one. No other Vodka has this affect on us. I would love to hear if any of the rest of you have this experience....
Reviewer: Christa Myers

This is an excellent Vodka, Probably one of my favorites. I whole heartedly recommend this Vodka for its smoothness and the lack of hangover in the morning.
Reviewer: Eric Vianovic

The best vodka tonic out there. Not a big bite, very smooth taste. Plus when you order people will think you are cool.
Reviewer: Andrew Prescott

Smooth, pleasant, satisfying, everything a vodka should be. Ketel One will always have a place in my liquor cabinet.
Reviewer: James Nelson

Highly overrated. I thought this was terrible considering all the hype. The Robitussen in my medicine cabinet tasted better than this mess.
Reviewer: Mike Konieczki

my fav! very very smooth and no hangover
Reviewer: bryan

I think this vodka is ok. It's interesting that the manufacturers throw out the first third of the vat, bottle the second third, and throw out the top third. Not sure what difference this makes, but I think for $20 a bottle, it's a bit over priced.
Reviewer: Carey Holzman

A smooth vodka, that has just a hint of flavor, and perfect viscosity. This top shelf Vodka is my (comparatively) low-priced any day vodka. Never a hangover and always a pleasant time, second in my book only to Jewel of Russia
Reviewer: Balthazar

This is my work horse. Never lets you down. Clean, affordable vodka with a great taste. It's difficult to find a better vodka that doesn't cost twice as much!
Reviewer: Forrest Nearing

yum, yum, yum...they could be a tad more adventursome in taste...but quite the workhorse and little chance of hangover....beats the goose on price and you can haul the bottle around without trouble
Reviewer: ssnaakee

I would agree with the other poster, this stuff tends to put me to sleep. Makes an excellent vodka tonic to relax with at the end of an evening. VERY enjoyable in mixed drinks. It practically disappears in tonic water, save the delightful bit of body it adds to the drink. I franky found it a bit harsh straight up, which is the only reason I don't give it 5 stars.
Reviewer: Evan

Excellent. I saw the revies for Grey Goose and I decided to try it. Needless to say I went right back to Ketel One.
Reviewer: Eric Selvian

clean tasting. a bit of a slight harshness in the end. But still a quite good vodka.
Reviewer: Pete Balistrieri

I've tried many Vodka martinis in my life and recently half a dozen at the popular Red Square Bar in Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas. I keep comming back to Kettle One as my favorite for martinis. However if you like Vodka on the rocks or in other mixes you need to experment to find you own personal taste. Try the robust Russian premium vodkas you very well may find one that turns you on. Just be open minded. Vodka rules!! M. Rider
Reviewer: Michael Rider

Ketel is defenitely a good vodka, buy by no means my favorite. The taste seems a little "sharp" for lack of a better word, but it doesn't let you forget it's vodka. Good for mixers that you want to taste a bit of vodka in, but not my first choice straight.
Reviewer: Steve

As others have commented, Ketel One makes for a fine everyday vodka. It mixes well in Martini's and makes for a perfectly acceptable rocks drink at the bar. I always keep a bottle handy at home for its versatility and consistency.
Reviewer: RN Durham

I think that Kettle One Vodka is very good I dont think that it is the best. But dont get me wrong is is one of they best.
Reviewer: Andrew Carter

This one gets five stars for never ever leaving me with a headache in the morning. Not bad, not great, but the lack of hangover earns my respect.
Reviewer: Joe Joe the Dog Faced Boy

Finest Vodka every. It beats Grey Goose, Belivedere, Stoli, and the rest of them easily. It is goes down with the ever so slightest burn, which I like. I mean Grey Goose goes down without almost no burn or any taste at all, but come on were drinking Vodka here, we want our throats opened up a little otherwise the Vodka would be to plain and bland like I think Grey Goose is. This is absolutely my favorite Vodka of all time and I refuse to drink any other.
Reviewer: Tim

simply unrefined.
Reviewer: sebastian

if i were a an alien i would come to this planet just to endure some kettle one.
Reviewer: paul

Ketel One is my favorite vodka. As others have said, it does have some flavor, but it's a darned good flavor. Also never left me with a hangover (and I've had my fair share).
Reviewer: Grenade01

Unique flavor. One of the best mixing vodkas around in my opinion. Thick and oily feel to it. I think this is another one that you either love or hate.
Reviewer: Charmin Hassenfeffer

I bought the citrus version trying to stay true to my heritage and buy a Dutch vodka. Nasty! Too much burn.
Reviewer: Brandy Alexandre

I ask this of anyone who objects to this vodka: what is there possibly to object to? This is one of the finest, affordable, and accessible vodkas out there. It has a clean, crisp taste with little or no burn. It's perfect in a martini because it has some flavor, unlike some other brands (like Fris). It is far superior to brands like Grey Goose, which are overpriced and unclean in comparison.
Reviewer: Matt L.

Ketel One has been my favourite vodka for approximately 3 years now, and I sample roughly 26 new products per year! My Bopoh Comrades and I have just received 23 authentic Russian products from Russia direct (reviews to follow). I hope to taste a vodka from my motherland which will surpass the Ketel One. (Oh yeah, 'Bopoh' is a slang term for vodka, derived from the Black Stallion Vodka. A great story, but too long and not relevant!)
Reviewer: Moses

i love ketel one's history. it's purity makes it appear clearer than water. not only does it mix well with anything, but it's never left me with a hangover. have it alone and discover it's subtle complexity. well worth the price.
Reviewer: michael

My first impression of Ketel One was the strong, strong, strong smell of fingernail polish remover. I wasn't purposely smelling it, the scent hit me like a hammer. The taste was blah. For all the hype it gets, it's not very good.
Reviewer: Kafer

I'm not sure if I got a bad batch or not, but I found this vodka to be extremely harsh on the tastebuds and, as some other reviewers have stated, it made me drowsy. I didn't mix it but drank it straight. Perhaps this is why. Despite that, there was no nasty aftertaste or hangover, and the viscosity was just about right. I've also tried the Citron version, which is nicer but still harsh.
Reviewer: mal

Stoli on steroids. I love this Vodka, just like Stoli you are getting a fine Vodka at a modest price. This Vodka can be compared to Grey, Belvedare etc... I like it a bit more than stoli for taste, but don't get me wrong Stoli isn't lacking far behind. I highly recommend it for shots. I believe you should never buy premium Vodkas for mixing. Leave that to Smirnoff and other lowgrade Vodkas.
Reviewer: Matthew

Why anyone would have anything bad to say about Kettle One is beyond me. It is not top shelf but upper mid range. In my opinion it is one of the best values in Vodka. I think their Citroen is one of the best Infusions out there.
Reviewer: Ari Mouratides

it is really good has no taste just a small kick.
Reviewer: eirc

If your a gin drinker and martini lover, this is a vodka you may like. Gin is prone to upset my stomach; I like the body and complexity of it, but end up liking a vodka with some body, ie. harshness. This has it. Maybe a bit to harsh. Pretty good martini- but I prefer a vodka one step smoother, but not like water- like Odessa Vodka.
Reviewer: Rob

it's alright, drinkable. oily taste. not very appealing to be honest
Reviewer: Maksim Markov

This vodka is extra smooth. Has the creamiest mouth feel in the white spirit world -- is this whipping cream of vodka. The alcohol burn that is all too familiar with most vodka is almost nonexistent. The taste is ah so elegant, maybe just too elegant. Sweetness and smoothness permeate the mouth. A bit of stone and mineral rest in the background. Watch out for this one, you might drink too much before it's too late.
Reviewer: Darryl

Vodka is the only hard liquor I drink, and I drink it quite often. I drink it mixed, but most of the time I take it straight on the rocks. I was turned onto the premium vodka scene by my g/f's brother over 5 years ago. He was a huge goose fan and I began liking/drinking goose. I felt it was smoother in mixed drinks but still didn't enjoy drinking it straight. For years I was on the goose wagon, until I was in Orlando and a business colleague of me (very rich, older guy ~55 years old) told me goose is garbage and Ketel One is better. Until then, I thought of Ketel One as inferior and for the older crowd. He said he'd buy me the same drink I was drinking (Goose and Cran) and I could drink them next to each other. At that point, I was immediately sold. Ketel One was notably smoother. I continued to order Ketel One that night as well as other nights. I also bought a 1.5L bottle for a superbowl party three years ago and served it along side my Goose bottles. Two of my goose friends became Ketel One fans that night and continue to be fans. However, I've yet to get my g/f's brother off of the goose bandwagon. I do occasionally drink goose because it's ordered for bottle service by someone else, however, I'd pay twice as much for Ketel One because I think it's that much better. Other great things about Ketel One are that it is widely available at most bars and restaurants and most of the time the upcharge is less than Goose. Also, the bottles themselves are less for what is clearly a superior drink. Now I can't stand people on the goose bandwagon. I tell them that they're just psychologically fooled by the pretty bottle because that's what you're really paying for with Goose. I went to Paris in early 2007 and couldn't find Goose to save my life, nor did any of the three Parisians I was visiting even know what it was. Grey Goose is just a superiorly marketed vodka, but in my opinion it's no better than Svedka or regular Stoli. I find Belvedere to be similarly marketed. Ketel One is the best vodka I've tried; I haven't tried Stoli Elit yet, but I plan to soon.
Reviewer: BrianV

good vodka, but on the expensive side, there is better value for the money out there, I like wyborowa and banff ice better
Reviewer: jeremy s

ketel one is good vodka, but I think it is a bit overpriced. otherwise I would have given it four stars, wyborowa is better, but banff ice is MUCH better and is only 2/3 the price. ketel one is beter than grey goose anyday but after drinking many of the more expensive brands I cant help but feel they are not worth it....try banff ice frozen!!!! you will agree it is beter by far
Reviewer: jeremy s

This is my second favorite vodka. I wish it were less expensive than my favorite, which would compel me to buy it more often. K1 is wonderfully balanced with a smooth taste and light to medium mouthfeel. This is an excellent complement to almost any food.
Reviewer: blueshoe

Very good vodka. Mixes well with a little tonic or cranberry juice.
Reviewer: Jeff

One of my favorites. There are two schools of thought. 1:Good vodka equals no taste, or... 2:Good vodka has a refined, distinctive taste. That's why you have completely different reviews of the same vodka. I am in the 2nd category. Ketel One is relatively smooth, especially for the price. But what I really love is it's distinctive taste. A little sharp at the end, but overall a fantastic mixer, adding a little something to the flavor of your drink. And just as important, not harsh. So you can pull it straight out of the freezer for a tasty shot straight. I recommend this over Grey Goose for all the vodka newbies.
Reviewer: Mike W

Ketel One on the rocks! Clean, crisp and dry to the palatte. Over ice, the burn is nearly undetectable. Not necessarily budget friendly, but worth every penny if you drink it straight.
Reviewer: Hillary

An ok pot distilled vodka with a reasonably decent nose and clean taste. I'll get this when I'm out and the establishment doesn't have Belvedere or Chopin. However, there are sooo many better vodkas out there. Instead of Kettle One, try a column distilled vodka like Teton Glacier or Belvedere - you won't be sorry.
Reviewer: Mike

This used to be my go-to vodka and for good reason: it's a good vodka. It's smooth with very little burn. After having the privileged of sampling a variety of vodkas over the years Kettle one is a bit too bitter for me now...though I would still be happy to drink it.
Reviewer: Jennifer

I drink a lot of vodka and I almost always drink it neat, so that's how I drank Ketel One. My conclusion was that it is probably the third worst vodka I've ever had, and is around 8 times as expensive as the two I rank below it.
Reviewer: Max

I have yet to taste a better vodka! Better than grey goose, belvidere, stoli. Until I find something better I refuse to drink any other vodka.
Reviewer: Jackson

hey. my nane is Joe and this is my first post. well im 7 shots in so here i go: im new to vodka but im a smart dude. i started off with ketel one and worked my way up. ketel one is better than chopin. i wanted to test grain vodka to potato vodka and ketel one won. nether are worth over $20 so i would go to something else.
Reviewer: Joe Revezzo

tastes like gin. I don't like gin
Reviewer: Shelly

is the best there is out there
Reviewer: KetelOne Lover

I like Ketel One. It's a little harsh but in a good way. I liked it better than Chopin. Plus I never got a hangover from it. Actually woke up feeling good. It has a good price ($23) so I'll buy it again.
Reviewer: jmr

Excellent vodka! Very smooth, with a very subtle kick after taking a shot. No cheap "alcoholism" smell or taste with this one!
Reviewer: Dan

Great Vodka. Absolutely no hangover. Goes down smooth with just a tiny kick at the end!
Reviewer: Frank

Great vodka. this what a REAL premium vodka tastes like...not grey goose! Mixes well with anything. The Nolet family founded this vodka and it is still owned by them after 300+ years. Every batch is still taste tested by them before shipment. This is the anatomy of a quality vodka! Gentleman, this is vodka!
Reviewer: D12

I'm back after a Vodkaphiles hiatus! Anyhow, I tried this again last evening and have to say it was very good. Top ten for sure and best of all NO HANGOVERS!!! Ray...Mr.Vodka
Reviewer: Ray Abraham

Order this in front of unsuspecting friends.. watch as the inquisitive take note. Keep in freezer, bring out as company arrives, hold ur nonchalant smiles.. as they behold.
Reviewer: scott

Kettle One is one of the few vodkas that I can drink and not feel any hangover in the morning. I have experimented with at least 10 other premium vodkas to no avail. Seems that the wheat only ingredient is the common element.
Reviewer: Rush Simonson

I use to like this better, or at least that is my memory. I recently bought a bottle on sale for $19 a great price...made a martini and found it to have a bitter after taste...
Reviewer: djhbutler

This vodka is really not very good. I can't believe how many people think this is a premium Vodka - the price may be premium, but not the taste. I guess you can fool a lot of people with marketing. Many superior Vodkas priced at or below Ketel One - I would compare this to Philips brand frankly.
Reviewer: Greg

Clean, smooth and has a slight burn at the end. Sometimes I make my drink a little stronger (by accident) and the difference is of little taste. Highly recommended!!
Reviewer: Chris

Reviewer: paolo van braumberger

Ketel One is Dutch for "Pot Still One", and this wheat vodka is thus named because it is distilled in an old copper still at the Nolet Distillery in Holland. It is a flavourful, spicy vodka, full of character and warmth, and with a nice texture. The only reason it does not get five stars is because I'd wish it were a bit smoother.
Reviewer: Bogdan Petculescu

Very good.
Reviewer: creep

Not a very clean vodka. I normally do not experience a hangover with others but only after a few drinks with Kettle One I was feeling groggy the next day. It is well marketed but not well made.
Reviewer: Brennan

We love martinis with this vodka. Very smooth. We haven't tried many others that are more expensive, but at this price point this is by far the best we've had.
Reviewer: Kevin

Very fine taste, smooth and flavorful with a very large finish.
Reviewer: Paul

I'm back! Awesome for a vodka. So good.. Period!
Reviewer: Ray Abraham

I only take shots of vodka. I have had Titos, grey goose, and absolut. I would also rank all three of them better than ketel one for taking shots.
Reviewer: James

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