"The only thing you have to lose is your ice!"

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Reviews to date: 15Average score: 5
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Finally a vodka that has some taste. Very unique.
Reviewer: John Skelton

Best vodka I've ever had.
Reviewer: Mig

This stuff is the best. trying to find a case to send home. makes the best screwdriver.
Reviewer: Brian

Excellent tasty Vodka. Great for drinking straight, but the flavor is also mild enough that it wouldnt interfere if you used it for mixed drinks, though in my opinion that would be a waste. If anyone knows where to order this, please let me know. Thanks
Reviewer: pAul

Really good stuff, had some 2 years ago...can't seem to find it since. Anybody know where to find?
Reviewer: Dog

I have never tasted vodka that was so memorable. My friend kept buying shot after shot for me at my going away party and, sure as can be, I was gone in about 45 minutes. Go Green!
Reviewer: Pierre

Tarkhuna tasted great ( the first and last time I had it)..I assume this is why I drank almost the whole bottle...Very smooth..Too bad I don't remember ANYTHING about that night
Reviewer: Brittany

an excellent vodka, eithe on the rocks or mixed. The "secret ingredient" for a Bloody Mary or Greyhound. Mixes exceptionally well with fresh squeezed juices.
Reviewer: Averell Eshaghian

This spirit is a vodka infused during the distilling process with an herb (tarkhuna) grown locally in the former Soviet Republic of Georgia according to a 600+ year old recipe. 80 proof, it has a soft, mellow taste of tarragon to soften the vodka punch, and one can easily imagine inhaling fresh mountain air during a late spring picnic in the Caucasus Mountains while the chilled liquid flows down the back of your tongue like an icy mountain stream. Truly a timeless pleasure from an ancient land, one that could put even the most troubled mind at ease. If only Joseph Stalin had drank a little bit more of it....who knows?
Reviewer: rob o.

Someone gave me a bottle of Tarkhuna years ago..The bottle give absolutely NO clue as to what kind of booze it is. I was going to mix it with windex and clean some windows with it until i decided to look it up. How stupid are they, it doesn't say Vodka anywhere on the label? I wouldn't trust Heublin wisth any of my products.
Reviewer: chuck

very smooth one of the best i've ever tasted
Reviewer: Tim Peterson

Best I have ever tasted.Can't seem to find where to buy.Still available? I live in Western Pennsylvania.
Reviewer: Frank

Excellent. Best I ever tasted. Incredibly smooth. Have not been able to locate where I may buy in the U.S.,particularly in western Pennsylvania.Can anyone help?
Reviewer: Frank

Excellent, the best I ever had,and I've tried plenty
Reviewer: Mario

Purchased a case in Califonia in 1998, have about 80ml left. I want more, much more.
Reviewer: Robert

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