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International Vodka Taste Offs

08 February, 2005

Here are the results of the four Russian Life International Vodka Taste Offs, held from 1998 to 2001.

2001 2000 1999 1998 BRAND COUNTRY
1 15 3 2 Grey Goose France
2 2 2 -- Cristall Russia
3 -- -- -- Krolewska Poland
4 -- -- -- Youri Dolgoruki Russia
5 13 1 6 Finlandia Finland
6 -- -- -- Jewel of Russia Russia
7 -- -- -- Vincent Holland
8 6 10 5 Rain US
9 11 5 1 Ketel One Holland
10 1 -- -- 3 Olives England
11 -- -- -- Russian Standard Russia
12 5 -- -- Vox Holland
13 3 4 8 Stolichnaya Russia
14 -- -- -- Vermont Spirits White US
15 4 8 3 Absolut Sweden
16 -- -- -- Mezzaluna Italy
-- 5 -- -- Charodei Belarus
-- 7 6 9 SKYY US
-- 8 2 14 Tanqueray Sterling England
-- 9 7 -- Fris Denmark
-- 10 -- -- Taaka US
-- 12 -- -- Boru Ireland
-- 14 9 10 Belvedere Poland
-- -- 11 -- Stolichnaya Gold Russia
-- -- 12 12 Smirnoff US
-- -- 13 -- Chopin Poland
-- -- 14 -- Kremlyovskaya Russia
-- -- 15 -- Tarkhuna Russia
-- -- -- 4 MiG Pilot US
-- -- -- 7 Red Bear England
-- -- -- 11 Mad River US
-- -- -- 13 Luksosowa Poland
-- -- -- 15 Russian Roulette Russia
-- -- -- 16 Teton US


* Each participant in our Taste-Offs was given a set of randomly selected vodkas to taste and compare. Each sample was about 0.5 ounces and was served at room temperature in a small, plastic shot glass. The glass was marked only by a Russian letter. The tastings were fully blind, and only the organizers knew which of the vodkas competing corresponds to which Russian letter.

Participants gave each of their vodkas a score of 1-5, with 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest. Each vodka was tasted by between 30-40 individuals. Scores for each vodka were then averaged to arrive at the final rankings.

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