"The only thing you have to lose is your ice!"

3194 reviews and counting...


Reviews to date: 7Average score: 3
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Wonderful new vodka, Very clean tasting, but with a big round mouth feel to it. Wish we could get it in the States !
Reviewer: Christopher Carlsson

Well, I am not the most avid vodka fan, though living up to my Scottish reputation I have tasted more than a few. But when this stuff touched my lips I was the worm that turned! I shall never look back. Forget the rest, this is the best!
Reviewer: Neil

Very smooth, Wonderful taste , great body. All around Wonderful Vodka! I found it in London but haven't found it back here in the states :(
Reviewer: Joan Brenner

This is fantastic for a martini. It is exceptional in quality and taste.
Reviewer: lisa drake

I found it for $12.99 here in Savoy, IL, and was very pleasantly surprised. Excellent for mixing and smooth enough neat or on the rocks to make for pleasant sipping. I didn't find it as complex or rich as some others, but certainly extremely drinkable.
Reviewer: kiel

Horrible well vodka. The rest of the people either do not know vodka or work for the company.
Reviewer: Joseph Biogio

This stuff is killer. For under US$12 a bottle, you won't find a better deal and it's got great flavors. No, I don't work for the company, I have a blog that reviews this stuff and can be pretty picky. Definitely worth having in your bar.
Reviewer: Rick Dobbs

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