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Reviews to date: 48Average score: 4
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Pearl Vodka is made in Canada from wheat (almost 2 lbs of wheat for one bottle). I bought it based on Wine Enthusiast Magazine who rated it 95-100 points. It's a standard 80 proof (40%) vodka, nothing particularly special about the bottle, or the contents. At $25, I expected better.
Reviewer: Carey Holzman

At my own personal Vodka taste-off party (about 20 people) this one scored the best. It scored highly by almost everyone, except the two people who think that vodka should taste like hairspray. I personaly scored it very highly. It's smooth, but not quite tateless, a bit of a wheaty flavor, but smooth as silk. I'd put it on the same level as Grey Goose, but considering that it's $10 a bottle less expensive, I'd say it's a much, much better deal.
Reviewer: mikehell

My favorite premium vodka. Made in Canada but HQ is in local town of Mill Valley California, suburb to San Francisco. 100% wheat vodka, 5x distilled very smooth reminds me of butter. Replaced Kettle One as my vodka of choice. Pearl is racking up rave reviews and has stepped up their marketing, you will be hearing about them soon!
Reviewer: Mr Casey B

pearl utterly and totally rawks. my old favorite was moskovskaya; when i couldn't find it anymore, i switched to grey goose. i tried pearl on a whim because it was on sale, and am now hard pressed to try anything new...
Reviewer: natashka

very good clean tasting. even for mixing(destroying the essence) it works well
Reviewer: rodell

Best Vodka I have consumed
Reviewer: Nelson Foreman

Smooth but not quite tasteless, hints of wheat. As good as Grey Goose if not better; my favorite vodka
Reviewer: bob

A very good vodka reasonably priced and very good as a "mixer", one of my personal favorites.
Reviewer: rodell

Upon opening, there was barley a hint of alcohol. Perhaps the smoothest martini, dirty that is with 2 shots, that I’ve made in a while. I can’t believe that I will most likely be stepping out on Stoli’s, especially when Pearl is only $21 a bottle. Those Kanuks have done it.
Reviewer: Jimmy

Even though this product is made by our nationalistic hippie northern neighbors, I will leave my personal fealings aside and state that this is the best vodka I have ever had. I was VERY pleasantly surprised...excellent flavor, very smooth (no burn) and a very pleasant and mild aftertaste. Highly recommended.
Reviewer: Terrance Phillip

Thanks for your kind words!!! if you likr Pearl try my new Vodka. www.emeraldvodka.com
Reviewer: Russ Dale

Oh, come on! No offense to the man who made it, but this stuff is bad even in a martini. Harsh with an unpleasantly overpowering alcohol flavor. Fris and Ketel One are much better wheat vodkas at a cheaper price.
Reviewer: Matt L.

I had only heard good things about this vodka so naturally I had to try it. I was sorely disappointed. I can't really describe the awful taste. I have had worse, so I gave pearl a 2, but this was not what I expected after hearing rave reviews. I don't recommend it, but I guess others would. I guess it just wasn't my style.
Reviewer: Gavin

I thought it was really nice, the Emerald was even smoother with a slight sweet finish. I give Pearl a 4 and Emerald a 5.
Reviewer: Doug Getty

correction I give them both a 4 Doug Getty
Reviewer: Doug Getty

not bad but i guess i was expecting a bit more after hearing and reading some of the hype. seemed a bit thin out of the freezer. not much of a discernable taste or order but a bit of an alcohol burn on the finish..i prefer the alcohol to be more rounded rather than just hitting at the back of the throat...prefer turi and quadro (nice but expensive new russian super-premium)
Reviewer: vjg

By far the smoothest vodka available! Much better than Grey Goose, Ketel One and all the other "trendy" brands. Priced lower than the rest, which makes it that much better!! Vodka afficionados will agree that this is perhaps the best vodka around. If there's a better vodka, I haven't found it (and I'm not looking since I found Pearl).
Reviewer: EP

Another great Vodka, distilled from Canadian winter wheat. Beleive it or not it's no longer available in Ontario, Canada. Definitely in my top four.
Reviewer: Allan Swartz

smooth uh mmmm
Reviewer: isabelle

This stuff is so good and smooth. One of my favorites.
Reviewer: John

Upon opening three bottles of Pearl, I noticed an increasingly nasty smell and taste of concentrated vanilla, coconut and something like hairspray. Also, the smoothness [from a previous review] was not there anymore. I emailed the makers to no avail. Very inconsistent with no quality control add up to one thing. Lousy vodka. Move on to Luksusowa Vodka and stay there!!!
Reviewer: Ray Abraham

C'mon haters...this is great...smooth stuff!!! Not to mention the price. GREAT STUFF!
Reviewer: Vodka Girl

In Washington State, where liquor is overpriced (taxes), Pearl, at $15 a fifth is perhaps the overall best vodka value. Smooth with a sweet smokiness to it.
Reviewer: Craig Nelson

Pearl Pomegranate is smooth and tasty chilled. Just drink it neat.
Reviewer: Kelly

Pearl Pomegranate is very tasty. Drink it chilled and neat.
Reviewer: Kelly

Found Pearl on the discount rack - $14 for 750. Not really a sipper, I chased it with red bull. Did the Kentucky Chew, nothing that stands out. No heat, no burn, just a lifeless flavor of blah. Ketel One, Absolute and the likes are superior. No wonder it was on the only sales rack ever in a super busy, huge beverage center.
Reviewer: VodkaMan72

Amazingly good for the price! I am a vodka "snob" and really like Pearl. Now my martini's are great AND inexpensive.
Reviewer: Judy

the store was out of my vodka and I deceided to try Pearl due partly because it was on sale. Wow was I supprised. This one is as good as the best. Very smooth and no after taste I just found a new friend.
Reviewer: Dennis J. Burke

I've been a Belvedere / Grey Goose fan for many years until I tried Pearl. Performed a taste test at home against Goose and Pearl WON hands down. It is my vodka of choice! Plus keeping some serious coin in my pocket. Who needs to pay for a pretty bottle?
Reviewer: marty

I have tried several vodkas and Pearl wins hands down! Best as a mixer! At 9.99 a fifth you can't beat it! I enjoy all their flavors :)!!!
Reviewer: crystal

By far the worse vodka I ever tried, rough to drink at 4.00 for 1.75 liters I feel cheated! Rebate programs are nice. I would rather spend 17.00 to 25.00 for a potato vodka smooth and easy to enjoy. Pearl gave me a headache and I slept for 10 hours straight! Sucks and the aftertaste is so bitter.
Reviewer: Chester

Pearl is the best. Did a blind taste test with several friends who used to drink only Belvedere or Ketel One. We did straight & in martinis, with the above + Stolis & Skye, and Pearl won hands down. Repeatedly. And... at $20 a quart!!
Reviewer: db2

I tried this on a whim....out of curiosity. I love it!!!! It is my mew house vodka!!!!!
Reviewer: Georgia

I recently experienced Pearl and had to go back for more. Unfortunately, it's not readily available in the more rural area where I live. I've got 2 store owners chasing it down. In my humble estimation, this totally kicks Absolute's butt ! ! ! Good Stuff
Reviewer: Larry

Ok, this is bad vodka. The label on these darn vodkas make it all seem like they are pure and will be great (filtered umpteen times, mountain spring water). It has to be bogus. Pearl is very burny and heavy tasting. Yes it is cheap in price though. If you want vodka you do not want that result. Its bad enough its in a plastic bottle which is likely leaking god knows what chemical into the vodka. The taste tester at the vodka factory should be embarrassed.
Reviewer: Mark J

Did they sneak some water from Mexico or something? Had this on Friday and immediately felt sick to my stomach and have had the runs for 4 days!
Reviewer: Shiloh

One of the few distilled 5 times with wheat Cake Vodkas..It's always a hit when you bring Cake Vodka to party's...I do like Pearl Cake Vidka.
Reviewer: Marie

I cant wrap my head around the low price.this is some good vodka.smooth with great taste.one of my fave grain based vodkas.
Reviewer: matt meskiel

Peal is smooth. A little on the sweet side but not harsh at all. I couldn't smell any odor. Great vodka at it's price point
Reviewer: Chuck Gesing

Mikehell is a genius. Read his reviews. From Seattle
Reviewer: Dale

Had the coconut flavor with Godiva White Chocolate and it was amazing! Very smooth, almost creamy or buttery. Not harsh at all and a complex flavor of coconut. Not too sweet. My favorite brand!
Reviewer: Samantha

Distinctive and pleasurable Best tasting vodka I've ever had and good value.
Reviewer: Alan

Half the price of KettleOne and 95% of KettleOne flavor? What's to think about?
Reviewer: Steve

Pearl is a very good and smooth tasting vodka for bout $20 it is next in line behind ciroc $35 and Tito's $30. I buy pearl a lot now best taste for good price.
Reviewer: CEO

This vodka tastes like donkey poo poo... It has a bitter after taste and you have to cover it up with any thing you can. I think shoe polish would taste better. I haven't found a mixer yet that would pair better with it. Go back to Canada
Reviewer: Seth

I do not care for Scotch. It's nothing personal, I just think it tastes like a leather saddle. In my humble opinion, Vodka should be free and clear of overwhelming flavors; unless that is what you are seeking-- Lemon, Lime, even spice is fine, as long as you are warned. Is Pearl a bad Vodka? No. Is it a top shelf? Oh my, nope. I like it, in moderation. I would, however, hesitate to serve it to a broad group of people. People are funny about flavor. Some will like its strong handshake, others will recoil sharply. Either way, enjoy and try it for yourself!
Reviewer: Your Mother

great vodka! smooth and clean tasting....and less than half the price of my former favorite-tito's. pearl is a perfect drink.well done!
Reviewer: mark

I think half the reviewers were snockered when they gave reviews. Rated it one star and then raved about it. I prefer this over Titos 2 to 1. Fantastic!!!!!
Reviewer: Nate

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