"The only thing you have to lose is your ice!"

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Reviews to date: 90Average score: 3
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For the price (15 U.S.), this vodka can't be beat! I was expecting some antiseptic tasting liquor, but I was pleasantly surprised. The smell is quite pungent, no berries here, but it goes down smooth and has a refreshing aftertaste. My main gripe is the chincy aluminum cap that doesn't seem to fit snugly back on the bottle, thereby allowing precious fluid to drip into my freezer. I guess I should just set the darn thing upright. Give this stuff a try. It's well worth the price.
Reviewer: d mirante

By far the best imported vodka value in the U.S. The taste is so smooth and pleasant. This vodka is great and I have tried them all.
Reviewer: V.Lunds

Definately one of the better vodkas i've had. sitting here drinking it nice and cold. goes down smooth. great cold.
Reviewer: unclefu

sooooo smooth and a great value 12.99 U.S. FOR 750ML OR 19.99 FOR 1.75L. Best vodka on the market for the price. quality as good as any I have tasted -and I have tasted more than a few.
Reviewer: V.Lunds

An incredible value considering it cost less than half of what grey goose does. It is now the vodka I serve at home
Reviewer: richmond stowe

I must agree with the other panelists. I was talked into this at the store when deciding between Ketal One and Vox. Due to the huge price difference and the owners recommendation I decided to give it a shot. I must admit I was a bit worried when I unscrewed the cap as the fumes hit my nostrils but doing it straight up the taste is the most crisp and clean vodka I've ever tasted. So for the price this is THE best value out there.
Reviewer: JackFrost

Sharp with a berry aftertaste
Reviewer: Steven Litzinger

Smooth as silk
Reviewer: Warren Evensen

Came off as very harsh. I bought it because I was looking for a cheap alternative to top shelf vodkas and I was sorely disappointed. VERY unpleasant needle to the finish, though the actual flavor was not bad; rather creamy.
Reviewer: Evan

If your low on funds and have Swedish blonds on your mind this is the perfect Vodka(see their web site). Svedka is no doubt the best Vodka value! I prefer Kettle One for martinis, but this vodka is outstanding on the rocks.
Reviewer: Michael Rider

Very good drinking. Made delicious martinis. Only complaint is the mind-numbing headache the next morning.
Reviewer: Dave

Don't buy Svedka or Absolut unless you have no taste buds and want a nasty hangover. Buy Finlandia or Stolichnaya. Better yet, go to Finland or Russia and drink vodka there. Better yet, skip Finland and go straight to Russia. A bottle of $1 Russian swill won't give you as bad of a hangover as Swedish stuff.
Reviewer: Mike

Incredible value. The very best I've ever tasted for less than $15 U.S. dollars. Easily competes with vodka 2-3 times the price.
Reviewer: Joe Joe the Dog Faced Boy

Smells like rubbing alcohol. Bad effects the next morning. I will never buy it again.
Reviewer: jht

Svedka is some of the best vodka I've found for the price. Many people don't take it seriously though at only $10 - $12 per 750ml. Has a VERY smooth texture with an aftertaste that is not unpleasant in the least. This is a wheat based vodka that mixes well and tastes good in martinis or just straight.
Reviewer: Devin Cherry

I dont get hungover from svedka, this stuff is way better than smirnoff. smooth and i find it for $10 for 750ml in my area. if you cant afford kettel one, buy this stuff.
Reviewer: Justin

A great vodka for the money. Good mixer.
Reviewer: Charmin Hassenfeffer

I was surprised at the smooth taste of this Vodka. For the price, it is the best value around...
Reviewer: Boris Yeltsin

My dad told me to stand in one place and all the girls will walk by. This wisdom also applies to vodka! After being convinced that Hangar One was the best, I've come to another conclusion...Svedka is just as great hands down. Better than Luksusowa, Fris, Grey Goose and Yes folks, Hangar One. Svedka is the CXLEAR WINNER!!!!
Reviewer: Ray Abraham

To me Svedka has a bitter aftertaste and I notice a couple of other reviewers have same response. I wont buy it again. Ive had cheaper vodkas I liked better.
Reviewer: Trione

Did not like the aftertaste. Did not even like it for mixing. Six is a much better vodka for the money.
Reviewer: straight up

The best value on the US market. I drink it every night on the rocks.
Reviewer: thomas

I notice a bit of an aftertaste, but no hint of hangover (even after downing an entire fifth one lost afternoon). The Citrus flavored variety is ideal for vodka tonics--not at all cloying or overly flavored as some other brands are (Absolut).
Reviewer: kiel

Extremely smooth for the price, second only to Grey Goose in my opinion for common off-the-shelf brands. Vanilla version is sweet but not cloying or artificial; other flavors taste a bit more fake. Highly recommended straight, on rocks or mixed.
Reviewer: ob5idian

I LOVE Grey Goose. This is nothing like Grey Goose. I'm still drinking it though because it was cheap...but even Absolut is better IMO.
Reviewer: jack

Best bang for your buck in the market by an alarming margin. It's a secret that'll get out sooner than later.
Reviewer: brad

easily an old stand by for me. I enjoy kettle one as my fav, but this will do for a drink after work.
Reviewer: BG

this vodka is ok and is best taken straight or on the rocks. for some reason it doesn't mix well for a martini? Kettle One or Grey Goose make the best martinis. But you can't beat the price. mr
Reviewer: Michael Rider

Value for the money? For 19.99/litter Exclusiv wins hands down. Value in my eyes is taste/price/presentation. Svedka has last 2 but taste/smell is a bit harsh and after taste is not pleasant. For extra 5 bucks Exclusiv to Svedka is like Goose to Stoli
Reviewer: Serge

cheap vodka - cheap taste.
Reviewer: Maksim Markov

Svedka is quite nice - there is nothing at all objectionable about it. Add in the price, and it could be a way of life.
Reviewer: PMB

i was pleasantly surprised at the quality for the price. rough burn if you try it straight at room temperature but much better when frozen or mixed.
Reviewer: cj

Just had my first. I have tasted many vodkas (high / medium end), and I find Svedka Vodka on the rocks to be very smooth and enjoyable. I am surprised to get this at such a low price. Will have a couple of more tonight, and if all feels good in the a.m. will grab another 2 1.75s for future consumption.
Reviewer: B

Pretty okay. Did a blind taste test with this, Boru and Fris. Had a little chalky taste, though it wasn't overwhelming. Aside from that i thought it was pretty indistinctive. That's okay for a vodka, but would have been nicer were it not so chalky.
Reviewer: Andy

Not bad, I'd actually give this 2.5 stars if I could, but I'll be generous as my hand is forced. Bottle looks cool. Girl at the store talked it up, said she'd convinced Absolut drinkers to switch, as Svedka was better and cheaper. Svedka is both better and cheaper than Absolut, but Absolut sucks and is way overpriced. Stoli is overpriced as well, but I still like it better than Svedka. Svedka is a pretty good value, period, but there are others that are better still for the same amount of money.
Reviewer: Matt

Yes, there are smoother vodkas out there, but as most others have mentioned, for the price, this stuff rocks on or off the rocks. I disagree with those who say Absolut is better. No way! I used to buy 1.75L bottles at $24 and up, but when I discovered Svedka, I immediately knew it was a long-term budget-freindly love affair.
Reviewer: John Hayes

I haven't gone to sleep yet, so I don't know the hangover, but the vodka is great. Good for the price, yes, less taste, not at all like a stoli, but good. And the 12.99/750ml, I don't know that you can beat it.
Reviewer: Salus

Soooo smooth. I could drink this all day. Don't be put off my the fumes.
Reviewer: Tosh

Have you never heard of the Emperors New Clothes ? Time and barrels make spirts worthy of comparison. A grain neutral flavourless spirit is a wonderful for mixing but all these flavours you people are finding are either imaginary or or left over from the detergent that cleaned the glass. Vodka snobbery is as relevant as the flat earth society.
Reviewer: Vanillins and Esters

I collect bottles but I don't mind the simple design. It works. Very strong flavor, you can taste the grain. Kinda spicy in a good way, but also on the harsh side. Great price at $13 a fifth.
Reviewer: Troy

I was craving a bloody mary... I don't drink much vodka, and found this to have a medicine-like taste when mixed into my special bloody mary recipe. But, found its use in a Greyhound! Great with the bitterness of grapefruit juice.
Reviewer: Christine

I saw the bottle, Sweden, Swede, So cool I thought. Not good, just another low end vodka that is all marketing and poor product. I also had The Svedka Vanil- just way to syrupy and cheap corn syrup sweet taste. Poor. NOT for my money.
Reviewer: J

Horrible. Smells like rubbing alcohol, tastes worse. Very harsh to the tongue and burns all the way down. I rate this just about lighter fluid.
Reviewer: Mikel M.

It tastes like rubbing alcohol.
Reviewer: NTIK

great taste, very good price. I drink it on ice, and greatly prefer it to any other vodkas I have tried, including all of the top rated brands I have tried.
Reviewer: Phil Patchett

Smooth and clean when cold. SLIGHT bitter aftertaste when drank straight, but almost undetectable when mixed. a good, inexpensive mixing vodka, probablly not one i would drink straight too often.
Reviewer: zippydude

Not worth the the hang over Fris is a much better choice at that price point
Reviewer: Matt

Very clean tasting, slight burn, subtle aftertaste, mixes well, just be careful. It's way too easy to overdo it. One of my frequent buys.
Reviewer: Hillary

Try the Clementine flavor! Very nice by itself. Also very good mixed with cherry limeade. Extremely smooth, no aftertaste, almost no burn. Definitely a favorite....
Reviewer: Hillary

Reviewer: CAROLINA

Reviewer: Vod Ca

Great cold, practically flavorless. At room temperature though, it's bitter in the mouth. Very mild burn and bitterness going down. Great value, just make sure to stick it in your freezer. It is great for mixing too. Hard to beat for the price.
Reviewer: Jason

best Vodka after taste ever!!! I love it straight up!!!
Reviewer: Mars

I found this vodka to be a bit harsh and I had a headache the next morning both times that I had Martini's with the Svedka. I am gong to stick to my Kettle One. although more expensive than the Svedka,I think it is worth the extra money to buy the Kettle One.
Reviewer: Tessa61

A good Swedish wheat vodka (not as good as Absolut though). The smell, taste and texture are nice, but the aftertaste is a bit bitter.
Reviewer: Bogdan Petculescu

I am a ketel one drinker and popov does the trick but when i got a bottle of svedka I thought it tasted like pure chemicals. Svedka is liquid garbage.
Reviewer: Emily

I do not like vodka in general. I dont like it in drinks and i do NOT do it in shots. That being said. I actually really like svedka! I bought it for my brother because i didnt know what else to get and it was cheap. I tried it as a vodka cranberry and really enjoyed it. It is now my go-to alcohol.
Reviewer: leah

Horrible, absolutely horrible. It smells very strong. After taste, Lord I had a hangover the next day that I had to pop some strong pills to try to get rid of. I won't be buying it again.
Reviewer: Greg

I have tried several brands of vodka over the years and this is by far the smoothest I have ever tried-Right up there with Grey Goose. If you want some rough-stuff try Heaven Hill.
Reviewer: Peter Russell

Bought a 1.75L, $16. My first taste was neat at room temp - harsh, minerally..did not want to swallow, spat it out. Mixed in a proper Vesper. Funny how we have our favorites and want to compare to them, rather than focusing on the merits of the vodka we are reviewing. For that reason, I do not consider the initial taste. Mixed, Svedka was okay. Smooth, clean finish. If you are a custom to Svedka, it is understandable to this reviewer that it is your Vodka of choice. However, personally, It has not moved me to change my preferences.
Reviewer: Mark

by far the best on the market smooth and cheap the quality better than any top shelf competitor
Reviewer: amanda

by far the best on the market smooth and cheap the quality better than any top shelf competitor
Reviewer: amanda

I felt sick a few hours after drinking and it tasted like rubbing alcohol.I'm so scared for tomorrow morning...
Reviewer: Anonymous

Svedka has a good price about $11 but I don't think I'd buy it again. It's not cheap or anything like that, it's just a little mechanical from start to finish.
Reviewer: jmr

Bad hangover for first time. Bad feeling in stomach for second time (same bottle) after only 3 shots. Definitely not the vodka made for me.
Reviewer: andre

After drinking Svedka I would wake up in the night with my heart racing, unable to go back to sleep for at least an hour. This is the only Vodka this has happened with, and it has happened every time I've had it. I thought I just needed to stop drinking then had a bit of another average priced vodka and was just fine.
Reviewer: Talon

Seriuosly, this is the vodka to buy if you're low on funds and are not a vodkaphile. Most importantly, if you plan on using it to mix. Totally passable. Not the greatest...but not horrible either. It's definitely a "go to" for run of the mill drinks, w/ friends, etc and won't break the bank.
Reviewer: Latimer

Reviewer: Jack Calt

Fine vodka for less then $11 a bottle. Ok in martini, mixes well. Surprisingly smooth.
Reviewer: djhbutler

We had a couple of friends over. I happened to have Kettle One, Svedka and Alexi on hand. We poured a little of each over ice. We had a moderator (beer drinker)He kept track. In the end....Kettle One first. Alexi Second. Svedka third. We all agreed.
Reviewer: Patricia Townsend

I've had them all and if you had a headache from this its because you had to much because its smooth as silk. This is one of the smoothest vodkas I've ever had.
Reviewer: Donald

Today, I bought a bottle of Svedka Strawberry Lemonade vodka. I have never seen this before, and being a sucker for virgin strawberry lemonade, I decided to try it. $15.99 for a liter, but well worth it. I mixed it with sour soda, because I enjoy tartness, and also squeezed in a few slices of lemon. Delicious! I am not at all, a fruity drink, drinker...but definitely fell in love with this. Absolutely a must try!
Reviewer: Jen H

Tastes like horse piss strained through rabbit shit. The next morning all the farm animals wouldn't let me get close (even while feeding? Wth is up with that?) Totaly awesome! Highly recomended.
Reviewer: Animal lover.

Solid Vodka. If I was to choose between Smirnoff and this, I would go svedka every time. Kinda has a harsh after taste though but not bad
Reviewer: nick

CITRON IS AWFUL...I really like plain Svedka Vodka but the CITRON is SWEET! It is like drinking Limoncello. It was suggested to me rather than the New Amsterdam Citrus. I never expect even flavored vodka to be sweet. I always thought flavored vodka should not have a pronounced sweetness. Absolut Citron and Grey Goose Lemon are neither one sweet. I was really so surprised when I tasted the Svedka Citron. What a disappointment because I think the plain is a really decent vodka.
Reviewer: MTNYC

Reviewer: Lew

My brother loves it, but I honestly can't drink it. It has a sort of fake, Splenda taste to it that doesn't mix well with me. It's passable if you wanna get drunk, but only if you can stomach the sweetness first.
Reviewer: Riss

This is definitely an awesome vodka since it's super cheap and I didn't get a hangover.
Reviewer: El chidoman aka pecas

My wife and I both love dry martinis. Recently returned from a Norwegian cruise where we both had premium drink packages. Tried Grey Goose, Absolute, Ketel1, Svedka and others. Learned that preparation has as much to do with the end product as the vodka. Svedka did not overwhelm me on the cruise (although it stayed up there), but when we returned home and served it straight from the freezer with frozen glasses, it was fragrant, creamy and smooth. 1/2 capful of M&R vermouth and the special olive of your taste. And no ice, either.
Reviewer: John Bushore

The last 5 bottles I bought have had the center piece come out every time I take the lid off. I am a quality supervisor where I work and this would never pass my auditors inspection.
Reviewer: John

Very clean and no hangover
Reviewer: Dj

Awesome no hang over ever! Im sorry i messed up my first review. Im trashed tippin svedka! Thank you
Reviewer: max

Who ever does the bottling should learn how to make the cap work, sometimes it takes a pliers to get the top off, the plastic pour falls out when you twist of the cap. They need to make a better cap.
Reviewer: Joann Torvuj

I have bought an ave of 7 bottles a month of this liquor for my household over the past 3 years. In the past 8 mos or so, the bottle tops range from easily to open, to nearly impossible to open. This inconsistency is extremely frustrating!!! I just brought 2 bottles home (always half gallon size), and neither cap is releasing. This is the last time I will purchase this brand, and that's unfortunate because the liquor itself is pretty good.
Reviewer: Joi

Horrible. Right down there with Rubinoff and Seagrams (in the big plastic jug). Harsh isn't the word. I don't know what happens to vodka by 2033, but it's a travesty I'll tell you that much.
Reviewer: Craig

I love Svedka but every bottle regardless of size is a challenge to open. I always have to peal off the first lip of the orange wrapper. However the other day, the metal cap unraveled & 2 shards of metal sliced through 2 fingers. My friends have the same struggle. Shouldn't have to use sharp objects and imagination to open a bottle of anything. Surely many others have complained. I am a member of Total Wine & Spirits which can prove how many bottles I've bought (just from them). Come on Svedka, fix this!
Reviewer: Mc

Very nice.
Reviewer: creep

Best vodka for the price. No hangover the next day. Biggest and foremost problem lately is how to twist open the cap for first time. The last bottle had to go to the garage toolbox and use a 24 inch long channel lock pliers on the cap to open!
Reviewer: Rich

Very enjoyable....I highly recommend
Reviewer: Adam

So local package store had Svedka on sale, I'm normally a Smirnoff drinker but to save $5 I said why not. Had both at home so did a side by side comparison and wow Svedka was so much better, I'm totally switching, hope this helps someone else.
Reviewer: Keith

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