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3196 reviews and counting...

True North Vodka

Reviews to date: 4Average score: 4
Country: United StatesDistilled from: RyeCompany: Grand Traverse Distillery
Add your own review of True North Vodka

Soft, very drinkable. No "bite".
Reviewer: Cat

Yes! Another review here! I just tried this in Michigan, you know it's made in Traverse City, MI. Anyhow, it is smooth with a great nose. The thing that got me was the rye. It had a sweet twang that I just tolerated, sort of.
Reviewer: Ray Abraham

The absolute (no pun intended) best vodka that I have enjoyed. Very, very smooth... true to my Polish heritage... Na Zdorovye, and Thanks!
Reviewer: Chuck

A rye vodka that is by far the best vodka I have had(although I havn't tried as many premiums as I'd like to have at this point). $29.99 Extremely smooth, without being undetectable in the mouth. There is definite flavor, creamy, sweet, and maybe a hint of pepper at the finish, withotu ever being intrusive... Overall, Grand Traverse Distillery is EXCELLENT and on another spirits review site, received a 4.5/5 stars, something the review stated was EXTREMELY rare in the world of vodka, this probably being the closest vodka to a five star(and I think maybe that a five star hasn't been found so this sits at 4.5 for now). I can't wait for their whiskey products...!
Reviewer: Andrew

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