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Żubrówka Kora Dębu

Reviews to date: 1Average score: 4
Country: PolandDistilled from: Rye, Oak BarkCompany: Polmos Białystok
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Picked this one up in a little 100ml bottle at a gas station (!) in Zakopane, Poland. Despite the brand, this is not a Bisongrass flavored vodka, but an Oak Bark one - It looks and smells completely different than the bisongrass Żubrówka most are familiar with. It's a thick whiskey-brown, and smells heavily fruity, with undertones of metallicity. Surprise surprise, it tastes incredible - it's rather sweet, with notes of maple syrup, tannins, and mixed nuts, and a lovely finish not unlike freshly-raked leaves. It has surprisingly few woody notes, and the dominant flavor is its sweetness. I'm pretty sure this is only available in Poland, but it's incredibly tasty, and I regret not getting a full bottle! The only thing holding me back from giving it the full 5 stars is that it's a little more sugary than it needs to be, for my tastes.
Reviewer: Sam W.

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