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Dirty Devil Vodka

Reviews to date: 18Average score: 5
Country: CanadaDistilled from: CornCompany: St. Lucifer Spirits
Add your own review of Dirty Devil Vodka

Clear, crisp, goes down easy. A bit stronger than average at 84 proof but doesn't burn. Particularly good in cocktails, can pour a strong drink without the vodka overwhelming the other flavors.
Reviewer: Noel Atkinson

The smoothest vodka I ever tasted
Reviewer: Robert T

There isn't another vodka that comes close to the smooth and lingering taste of dirty devil
Reviewer: Mark polubiec

Smoothest tasting vodka I have ever had. Huge Fan!!
Reviewer: David Law

Incredible smooth taste, really a top notch Premium vodka This one will be a huge it in USA
Reviewer: Francois Tremblay

My favorite Vodka by far! It tastes great and I really like their unique concept.
Reviewer: Bilal

WoW ! so sweet and delicate.
Reviewer: J-F

Sublime et refined !
Reviewer: Bourque

Smooooooth. Worth the money.
Reviewer: Jeff Michaelson

I can see why Giancarlo Esposito is the face of this brand. Edgy, smooth and refined. My guilty pleasure on a Friday night.
Reviewer: Rob Michaluk

All I can say is yes.
Reviewer: Steve Fiorello

When sipping this vodka neat, you can really tell the smoothness and lack of burn, even though it's a bit stronger than a typical vodka. It could be the first real "sipping" vodka.
Reviewer: George A

One of the greatest corn vodkas, period.
Reviewer: Sarah

Possibly the cleanest vodka I've ever tried. Nice chilled and really great in cocktails.
Reviewer: Sandy

I prefer this for cocktails rather than neat, but can't beat the quality for the price.
Reviewer: Ryan Parkinson

A highly accessible vodka, does not have the metallic aftertaste of so many corn vodkas. The flavor and finish remind me of Beluga, at a fraction of the price.
Reviewer: Paul Martin

Really solid value. A nice mix of soft in the mouth and a little bit nutty/sweet, and lets you know it's there on the finish. Very similar to the old Beluga vodka that was my go-to but a much better price point.
Reviewer: Greg

So good for the money.
Reviewer: Jen

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